The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurences |
@fixme | 0 |
@todo | 0 |
FIXME | 3 |
TODO | 16 |
XXX | 13 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 3
mupisim.sim.AbstractControlProcess | Line |
assert address == null; | 43 |
mupisim.sim.HasSizeUtil | Line |
find a way to handle this | 53 |
mupisim.sim.processes.RandomDummyProcess | Line |
use a common seed, and re-seed when needed | 49 |
Number of occurences found in the code: 16
mupisim.event.EventUtil | Line |
assert that cardinality is 1 | 139 |
assert that cardinality is 1 | 158 | | Line |
channel support | 264 |
channel support | 271 |
handle channels | 412 | | Line |
use several events to be more "correct" | 44 | | Line |
Javadoc | 39 |
performance | 773 |
mupisim.sim.SimpleLocalizationFunction | Line |
improve performance by reusing the Entry instance | 87 |
mupisim.sim.SimpleMessagingService | Line |
use a scheduled procedure here | 207 |
mupisim.sim.SimpleSelectionProcedure | Line |
test with isFull() for correctness | 215 |
mupisim.sim.processes.RandomDummyProcess | Line |
improve this with historical data | 290 |
allow burst | 291 |
generics | 296 |
mupisim.sim.processes.RandomServerProcess | Line |
Serve requests | 113 |
Terminate | 125 |
Number of occurences found in the code: 13
mupisim.event.SimpleEventScheduler | Line |
no need to trace as it will eventualy be traced in scheduleEventAt() | 116 | | Line |
eventObservable.fireEvent(event); | 80 |
mupisim.stats.SimulationObserver | Line |
final Element messageElement = StatsUtil.getStats(message); | 280 |
messagesElement.appendChild(messageElement); | 281 |
final Element distancesElement = new Element("distances"); | 284 |
messageElement.appendChild(distancesElement); | 285 |
distancesElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("priori", Integer.toString(prioriDistance))); | 289 |
distancesElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("hops", Integer.toString(pathLength))); | 296 |
final Element timesElement = new Element("times"); | 317 |
messageElement.appendChild(timesElement); | 318 |
timesElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("sent", Long.toString(sendTime))); | 321 |
timesElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("received", Long.toString(receiveTime))); | 326 |
timesElement.addAttribute(new Attribute("latency", Long.toString(latency))); | 329 |